Sunday, February 24, 2013

Moving Forward

These past few weeks have been a blur! We have been spending every spare moment of time on adoption details and paperwork. By God's grace, we have been able to move forward incredibly quickly with our home study. In the past week, we were able to have both of our required meetings with our case worker. This speedy timing really is amazing, as sometimes your adoption agency can require many more meetings with your social worker--this process can often spread over a couple month period! We were able to finish all of our meetings within one week! Amazing! Side note: If you are in the beginning stages of adoption and are searching for a fair, Christian home study agency--I highly recommend ours! Just let me know if you'd like more information. 

To this point, we have really only told just a few friends (mostly those who would be/are already filling out reference forms for us) and family about our adoption. In these beginning stages, we thought it best to have a few months of experience under our belts before launching out into public. However, we can't wait to tell our church family and the rest of our friends next week! Dave is actually going to preach a message on a Christian's place in caring for orphans, and we will then announce our plans to adopt.

I am most excited to share this news with our church family at Lakewood. You see, our church family really is an incredibly special group of believers. As God has established this church in Lake Country over the last 3.5 years, He has gathered together a family. He has knit our hearts together each week as we seek to grow through God's Word and as we serve side-by-side for the furtherance of the Gospel in our community and the world. These individuals have One Thing in common, we all have been graciously saved through Christ's sacrifice and now adopted into God's own family, The Church. Though I really have only known most of our people for less than 4 years, they have become apart of me. We have lived life together. I treasure these people, this place. I tend to think that our Lakewood Family is unique--I pray that it is not. I pray that there are other pockets of believers, just like this one, spread around the world. I cannot wait to share with them what God has been doing in my and Dave's hearts. I know they will pray and wait alongside us! It will be a joy to bring a child into this church family.

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